
My ceramic work deals primarily with discovering the harmony between chemistry and art. My art begins with controlled experiments in a chemistry lab and ends in the studio, where my search for knowledge, beauty, and control harmonizes with the mysteries and chaotic forces of the natural world.

The body of work I focus on primarily deals with the Sagger firing process, a process in which pots are subjected to the natural elements, salts, and organic materials with results that are often less than predictable. I find an incredible juxtaposition, an inexplicable beauty, in endeavoring to create what I consider to be a “perfect” pot, then willingly subjecting it to the chaotic forces of nature. In doing so I am partially removed from the process and my desire for perfection and control are subverted by time and the natural world. Each pot emerges from a bed of ashes, bearing the markings left by the kiln, gases, chemicals, and oxygen deprived flames; a moment in time, which would otherwise be unviewable, captured in the quartz crystal matrix of the ceramic surface. My true passion and excitement lies in understanding the events and science inherent in this process. The marks left after a firing communicate the history and experience each piece went through to become the work of art that it is today. Those marks are inseparable and intrinsic to each pot…much like our own scars, wrinkles, and age spots all tell the history and story of who we are.

I strive to create a product that is not only aesthetically beautiful, but one in which the science, skill, and inherent chance in the creative process
harmonize to become part of its defining characteristic.

– Jason Palmer

Most of my work can be purchased through my Etsy shop:

Feel free to look around and please leave me feedback!